-=The Guest Gallery of Portraits=-
| Sailor SunHeart | Queen Tanzanite | Commander Topaz | Commander Krisite |
| Commander Pyrite | Commander Garnet | Commander Beryllium | Group Pictures | The Past |

Sailor SunHeart
by Erin-hime
by Mintjam
by Purenightshade
by Purenightshade
by Shamebox
by Dukongmeng
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Queen Tanzanite
by Callisto-chan
by SoveriegnofSilence
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Commander Topaz
by Purenightshade
by Purenightshade
by SoveriegnofSilence
by MDetector5
by Wildnature03
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Commander Krisite
by DavidJes
by Yaoi-Bear (commission)
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Commander Pyrite
by Leo and Ban (commission)
by Yaoi-Bear (commission)
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Commander Garnet
by Callisto-chan
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Commander Beryllium
by Erin-hime
by Shamebox
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Group Pictures
by Shuki Ai
by Callisto-chan
by Universe5005
by Preying-Mantis
by Erin-hime
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The Past
by SoveriegnofSilence
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If you have art which you wish to send to the Palace, please send it to the coordinator and we will have it up as soon as possible.


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