-=Guide to the Palace of the Sun=-
Firstly, welcome to the Palace of the Sun; I'll be your guide through the recently re-done grounds of the Palace.
The Main Hall is the Palace's version of a notice board, the first place all visitors see. Pages from the Palace stand in attendance with any recent messages, and also will be able to take you to relevant parts of the Palace, should anything new be unveiled, such as a new masterwork of art or a new tome in the Library.
If you're interested in seeing what is recent here at the Palace, all new information is kept at The Reception Room to make it easy for visitors to find. The fleet of Palace pages will typically guide you to the Reception Room if you meet them in the Main Hall. Messages from Sailor SunHeart, as well as communications from the Dark Kingdom, will be displayed in the Reception Room as well, so long as the diplomation negotiations proceed as planned.
The Hall of Portraits is actually three separate halls, one for the official Palace Artist, Jateshi, one for the Court Artist's omakes, and for foreign Guest Artists. I have been asked to mention that any artists who wish to have their works displayed in the Guest Wing should send their artwork to the coordinator. The coordinator asks that you remember to remove 'NOSPAM' from her contact.
If you are interested in reading the tomes the Palace holds, the Sun Library is your desired destination. Inside the Library we will store the collected tale of Sailor SunHeart as well as potentially stories from the Dark Kingdom, if their inhabitants permit us access to their writings. The Sun Library is also the home of a hall devoted entirely to information about the main characters in the Sailor SunHeart Chronicles.
Once you are done with your tour of the Palace, I highly recommend the Palace Gardens as your choice to relax in. The Palace's Gardens are a showcase of possible destinations of various ranges of interests, once your stay with us is at an end. From portals to the homes of other Sailor Senshi to a portal reputedly into the Dark Kingdom itself, the Gardens contain it all. If you wish to add a portal from our Gardens to your own home, please contact the coordinator. Again, she asks that you remember to remove 'NO SPAM' from her contact.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will attempt to keep this Guide accurate and will make any changes necessary as the Palace continues to expand and rebuild.
Also, a new feature we've added is a guestbook which you can sign. There is a link at the Main Hall, and one of the Pages can take you there now, if you wish.